Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Spanish American War Webquest!!!

Over the next few days we will be exploring the Spanish-American War and more importantly the impact of Yellow Journalism on the War!

So lets get started!


One of the main causes of the Spanish-American War was the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine off the coast of Cuba. Look at this map and locate Cuba. Now circle it on the map on your worksheet. 

Watch this video. 

USS Maine Video

Now that you have watched the clip I want you to answer the questions on your worksheet.

If you need to, please rewatch the video so that you can fully answer the questions.

So the U.S.S. Maine exploded! How does this lead to war? Well as it turns out a new type of journalism started to develop at this point. This new type of journalism was call Yellow Journalism. What is Yellow Journalism you may ask? Watch the following clip and find out!



Click on the following examples of what Yellow Journalism from the Spanish-American War.
 Answer the following questions on your worksheet.

Step 3:

Go to the following websites about two prominent journalist during the Spanish American War and answer the questions on your worksheet.

Step 4:

Now that you know what Yellow Journalism is and that it still exist go search the web for examples.

Go to the following website and find three articles of yellow journalism and answer the questions on your worksheet. 

Step 5: 

We have studied Yellow Journalism for some time now. We have seen examples from the past and the present. We know that Yellow Journalism will not go away in the future.

For this step I would like you to create your own piece of Yellow Journalism. You can create either a newspaper front page or just draw a cartoon. You may choose a recent topic in the media, or something that you have learned from class.

Also, you must write an explanation about your work. Be sure to clearly state what Yellow Journalism is, how it effects people, and how your work is an example of it.

When you have completed the drawing and the response you must hand in your work.